Staying Focused And Productive In A Home Business!

After consulting for over 20 years and witnessing how few employees stay focused and productive working for someone else I wonder how focused and productive can one be when they start their own home based business. One of the main qualities you must have to be successful in working from home is self control. At home, other than your spouse, there is no boss there to look over your shoulder. If you have children, you are bound to have distractions. You need to have some self-discipline about those activities and actions you have to learn not to do in business. Raiding the refrigerator because it is convenient and spending time watching television is not going to help you grow your business. Staying focused and productive is not easy when working for yourself.

Whether you work at home or away from home you will still have times when you have to work even if you do not want to. There will be boring, frustrating, and even scary work to do in your own home based business. Establishing and developing full self-control is a skill that you must master if you are to be successful in your own home based business. You have to learn to stop behaviors that interfere with productive work. You will be tempted many times to stop working and do something that is more fun. You will want to avoid the boring tasks and instead do something more exciting and/or deal with only the easy tasks and not the scary. Sometimes you will be inclined to take a nap, not because you are tired, but because you don’t want to do something.

“The grass always looks greener on the other side until you go there and find out it really is artificial dirt.” Many people starting a home based business have this picture of a peaceful place that is free from all the interruptions of corporate jobs. Well let me tell you how many distractions you might find at home. Some days you may find it almost impossible to get anything done. Either the phone is always ringing, and not necessarily for business. Kids and neighbors will drop by. The dog will have to be fed and then go for a walk; the laundry has to be done, or there may be an errand that has to be run. There is always something to drag your attention away from the work you have to do. If you want to be successful as a work at home person you must master the art of working to an organized schedule, and, at the same time leave time for the family and friends that are part of your life. It is a balancing act that will take some effort.

Working from home can be lonely at times and if you are a person who gets energy from being alone then you can achieve productive work by being at home. If you are one of those people who loves the daily socialization work brings you, then you will need to develop some on line friends to chat with and join some forums on line to share ideas with other work from home people. It is really up to you to decide who you are, and what work habits and style will make you stay focused and productive. Remember productivity builds profit. And profit is what makes tomorrow possible in business.

Courage and self-confidence are the keys to success in the home business game. When first starting out you will be traveling in uncharted waters and need the courage of getting by for a while without any income and roadmap. You will need self-confidence to help you stay the course. So keep focused on your goals and work your plan. Good Luck!

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