Paid To Click

In my last posting, I mentioned about making money without running a business through Google Adsense. If you really understand what I had wrote there, you actually need to a website or blog to place the ads. Without that, Adsense is useless to you...

Well, here is another 'make-money-without-business' concept that I would like to share. It is called a Paid-To-Click (PTC) programme. Frankly speaking, I personally think this programme is most recommended to those who just love surfing for fun! While surfing, they can join this programme and make money online. This programme concept is based on how many advertisements you click to visit websites (and stay for about 30 seconds on that site). The more you clicks, the more money you can earn through the programme. Where is this money come from? Well, there are some webmasters out there who paid hard cash to get as many traffics as they can to their websites. And this Paid-To-Click programme is doing what those webmaster had paid, that is getting as much traffic as it can - through you. And they paid you from the money that those webmasters had paid. But not 100%, lah!

Sounds simple, is it? Of course, it is simple - like having lunch! No need to learn like Adsense. The only things that you need to have are:

  1. Your email address.

  2. Your PayPal or E-Gold account (since most of this programme will pay you through this merchant account, only).
That's all you need! I am sure almost every internet user have an email account, at least one! But, I am not sure about PayPal account. Especially among Malaysian who just want to start a business or making profit from internet. What is PayPal and why? PayPal is the most famous iInternet payment methods, safe and also the easiest way to get paid from internet. Most of Internet Money Maker programme preferred to pay their member via PayPal because its safer, easier, speedier and user-friendly. You also can send money to others via PayPal. If you haven't got a PayPal account, sign-up now and start accepting online payments instantly.

Once you got your PayPal account, it is time for you to sign-up with lots of Paid-To-Click programmes out there. Here are some of the favourite Paid-To-Click programmes that most of the internet money makers had joined:
If you still hungry for more Paid-To-Click programmes, you can always google-search for them out there. Take note that almost all of the Paid-To-Click programmes paid up to 1 cent per click. So low, eh? Well, daily you might have between 5-10 ads to click. That makes up about 10 cents per day. Let say you join 10 Paid-To-Click programmes. You earn $1.00 per day, actually. To make things interesting, these Paid-To-Click programmes allow you to get referrals. And you get 100% commission for every referral click on their ads.

Let us do a simple maths here:
  • You join 10 Paid-To-Click programmes.

  • You click 10 ads daily for each Paid-To-Click programmes.

  • Each ads click worth $0.01.
You earn = 10 Paid-To-Click programmes x 10 daily ads x $0.01
= $1.00 a day!

Now, let's say you got 10 referrals for each Paid-To-Click programmes and each of them do the same as you (10 Paid-To-Click programmes x 10 daily ads x $0.01)
You earn = 10 Paid-To-Click programmes x 10 daily ads x $0.01 x 10 referrals
= $10.00 + $1.00 (your own earning)
= $11.00 a day!

That was an easy money, for a day. Imagine how much you can earn if you join more Paid-To-Click programmes and got more referrals? Say, 20 Paid-To-Click programmes and 20 referrals each? $42.00 a day, is it? That is $294.00 a week. Or approximately $1,176.00 a month!

Good luck and have a prosperous future. Till then, cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Agree With YOU